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1 University

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2 Subjects

Annotated Bibliography Unit 4

Annotated Bibliography Unit 4

Q Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography This Annotated Bibliography assignment asks students to find and evaluate 3-5 credible articles on their research topic, at least one peer-reviewed scholarly article if you can find one. An annotated bibliography is an organizing tool that is helpful when working on a research project. An effective annotated bibliography is used to compile research sources in one location and provide the researcher with quick access to the information contained in each source. •Your annotated bibliography will consist of the sources that you have deemed relevant to your topic and/or question(s) of inquiry. While you may encounter sources that are not relevant or do not fit the scope of your project while researching, for the purposes of this assignment, you will only include the ones that you find useful and relevant. •Cite the source in proper APA or MLA format. The citations should be organized in alphabetical order by author just as in an APA References page, or in an MLA Works Cited Page. (See the attached sample.) •Follow with a brief annotation (5-7 sentences) for each reference •The annotation should summarize the source (approx. 3-5 sentences). You may quote from the source, but do not copy and paste the abstract. Ideally, all of the annotation should be in your own words. •In 1 or 2 sentences, explain the source’s relevance and importance to your issue. 50 points Due Oct. 6 (CSLO 3, CSLO4, CSLO7)

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Assaf, Israa, et al. “Students University Healthy Lifestyle Practice: Quantitative Analysis.” Health Information Science and Systems, Springer International Publishing, 19 Mar. 2019, In this quantitative study, 50 to 80 percent of college students gain 5 to 10 pounds during their freshman year. This happens because students attending college start to get stressed, eat unhealthily, sleep late, skip meals, and not exercising. Too much time on social media and studying cause people to not want to do anything physical. Time management is a key factor when it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle. How this quantitative study is important, by showing us that we need to watch our diet and need to make time to exercise.